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Craig Bruns

Craig Bruns

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Robotics Newsletter

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See the linked newsletter with information from the GWS Robotics Team! Continue reading
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Student Drop Off/Pick Up Route

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Attention parents/guardians who drop off or pick up your child at GHS:

We ask our students to get picked up/dropped off on the east side (red arrow).  Please follow the route listed below both in the morning and in the afternoon.  This route will help ensure safety and improve the traffic flow without creating congestion at the "T" in front of the school.  We recognize how busy all of you are, but this route below will help the traffic flow and help create a safe parking lot environment for all.  

2019 10 02 0918 Continue reading
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Schedule Change

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PowerHour remains a time where students can take more ownership of their education, work to improve themselves academically, and get more involved and connected with their school community.  We continue to look at ways to make this privilege more effective for all of our students.  Thus, we are making slight changes to the daily schedule to help students improve academically, get to the necessary PowerHours, increase the motivation to work and the ability to get help from staff, and thus increase the number of students meeting classroom expectations making them on track for graduation!  Class meetings have been held regarding these changes and announcements will continue once school resumes to remind students of schedule changes.  Please see the schedule changes for more information. Continue reading
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Light Up The Night

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The service learning class will be hosting the annual Light Up The Night on April 5th. All money raised will go to foundations for both police and firefighters. To sign up or for more info pick up a registration form in English classes, from Mrs. Ferguson, or from the main office.  Also, linked here is the registration form. Continue reading
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See the linked newsletter for the latest information from the Robotics Teams at Greenwood Middle and High Schools! Continue reading
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Holiday Assistance

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Holiday Assistance

Families in need of Thanksgiving meal assistance should contact Samantha Young at 317-889-4000 x3506 or at syoung@gws.k12.in.us by October 29th.  *Please note this date was published in the newsletter as October 30th.  That is incorrect.  The correct due date is October 29th.  Thanks!

The Christmas Angels Program is designed to provide gifts for children (newborn to 17) of Johnson County residents who would otherwise not have a Christmas.  United Way’s mission is to assist as many children as possible.  The program is not intended to supplement other Christmas assistance.  If parents are no longer together, the children will be served through the parent/guardian with physical custody. 

DEADLINE TO APPLY: November 9th - Applications will be taken in person only.  Do not mail it in!!

CONTACT: Ms. Samantha Young at 889-4000 x3506 Continue reading
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Coffee with Counselors

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Coffee with Counselors

Thank you to everyone who attended our first Coffee with Counselors. We appreciate your interest and great questions! In an effort to maximize attendance, please complete this brief survey on the best times and topics for future events. https://goo.gl/forms/reXZbY3OL7dxZpXH2 Continue reading
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Canvas Parent Accounts

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Parents:  Canvas is the learning management system our teachers utilize for various items to support your child's education.  Linked here are directions to create a parent account in Canvas.  Also, it is possible to link more than one child to your account.  Linked here are directions on how to link multiple children to your parental account.  Please feel free to contact the office at 317-889-4000 if you need additional assistance. Continue reading
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Hits: 6570

Welcome From Our Student Services Advisor!

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Welcome, Freshmen! How exciting is it to be attending high school? You must be experiencing a lot of different emotions right now. No worries, these feelings are normal as you head into your new adventure as a high school student. Things to remember: be on time, be prepared, and be respectful. Be on time to school and each class. You have approximately 5 mins between each class once the bell rings. That’s plenty of time to get to and from each classroom. Will there be challenges? Sure, you’re still learning where classes are, which hallway to travel, and which set of stairs will get you there so you’re not late. Take the first few days of school to learn your way around. GHS is pretty simple to travel. Think about it this way: all English classes are in the same hall. All science is in the same area. If you know how to get to those hallways that’s half the battle! Being prepared for those classes is also very important. Over the first week of school teachers will go over what is needed, (i.e. pencils, binder requirements, spiral notebooks vs loose leaf paper, etc.). Pay attention and write down what is expected of you to be prepared for each of your classes. Respect is a two-way street. If you don’t give it, how do you expect to get it in return? Exactly! You don’t. So, please, think before you speak or act. Everyone deserves respect.

I am so excited to meet you this year and help you along your journey as a Freshman. If you need anything, I am located in the Guidance Office. Parents, my door is open to you, also. If you have any concerns or questions, please let me know. –Ms. Samantha Young, Student Services Advisor syoung@gws.k12.in.us or 317.889.4008 Continue reading
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Hits: 4297

FAFSA Workshop

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On Wednesday, January 10th, Greenwood Community High School will host a FAFSA completion workshop from 6-7 pm in the C103 Computer Lab.  This event is an opportunity to work on and complete the FAFSA with experts on hand to provide assistance and answer any relevant questions.  Attendees should enter in the main entrance (door 2N) and then proceed to the C103 Computer Lab located in the English Hallway. Continue reading
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Post Prom Purse Bingo Fundraiser!

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See the attached document for information regarding the GHS Post Prom Purse Bingo Fundraiser and how to participate in or be involved as a sponsor.  Thanks for your support! Continue reading
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1st Semester Grades and Absent Student Information

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Good afternoon.  Thanks for a great first semester at Greenwood High School.  First semester grades should be finalized on PowerSchool by 3:00 Wednesday for all students who completed their final exams.  Any student who missed a final exam, can take those exams the rest of this week (Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday) between the hours of 8 am and 11 am in the main office.  If these days don’t work, students are also welcome to take exams on Tuesday, January 2nd, between the hours of 8 am and 11 am.  If none of these dates and times work, please contact the office at 317-889-4000 to arrange an alternative day.  Thanks again for all of your support and have a wonderful Holiday Season! Continue reading
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Congratulations Greenwood Robotics!

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Our Green Machine Robotics Team won the Motive Award, and they won the Winning Alliance where they were captains of the overall championship team at the Indy South Regional. They have qualified for the State Championship for the 2nd year in a row!

The State Championship will be held at Crawfordsville, February 24th.  Congratulations and good luck! Continue reading
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Hits: 3828

Robotics Newsletter

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See the attached document to catch up on all the exciting activities going on in Robotics with their November Newsletter! Continue reading
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SAT (May)

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Greenwood High School will be offering the May SAT.  At this time, the College Board has not moved us to an active site.  Howver, in the next week, we hope to see this change on their website.  

If there are any questions or concerns please contact Mrs. Fenner in the Guidance Office.   Continue reading
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PowerHour Schedule Change

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Students:  In order to maximize the use of time, we are going to move five minutes of instruction into period 1 and make PowerHour two-30 minute blocks.  This change will make each morning class end five minutes later.  The first PowerHour will run from 10:55 to 11:25.  The second PowerHour will run from 11:25 to 11:55.  See updated schedules posted throughout the school and here.  We will still not have PowerHour on Wednesdays and will rather, eat by floors on Wednesdays. Continue reading
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Meet the Teacher Night

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Parents:  This Thursday, August 10th is Meet the Teacher Night at Greeenwood High School.  Parents will have the opportunity to follow their child’s schedule to meet his/her teacher, hear about classroom policies and practices, and ask questions if time permits.  This event will begin at 5:30 on Thursday.  In addition, parents of Seniors can learn more about Naviance, an online program designed to help in the search for scholarships, college visits and applications and transcript requests in the IMC at 5:00 and then again at 7:30 Thursday night.  Again, this presentation is geared towards the parents of seniors, while the regular event begins at 5:30.

Also, parents, we are experiencing a high volume of traffic in the parking lot between the soccer field and the high school at both drop-off and pick-up.  Please avoid this parking lot, especially the curve at the far end of the lot, between 7:00 and 7:20 and again between 2:10 and 2:35.  Rather, please move towards door 32 on the east side of the building near the football field for both drop-off and pick-up.  Thanks for your help in this process aimed at keeping our students and buses safe.

Have a great evening and we hope to see you on Thursday night! Continue reading
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Updated Registration Instructions

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We recognize some of you have experienced problems with the online registration.  We have attached updated instructions we hope solve the problem.  You will need to know your student’s school username and password to complete the registration.  We apologize for the inconvenience, but we believe the attached directions will resolve the problems you have experienced.

If you need further assistance, please contact the office at 317-889-4000.

Thanks for your patience!

-GHS Continue reading
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Freshmen Orientation/PowerHour Follow-Up

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Thank you to all of you who attending Freshmen Orientation and PowerHour Presentations.  Linked below is a PDF of presentation slides if you are interested:

Freshmen Orientation


Also, linked here is a document on how to add multiple students to your parent account within Canvas. 

Thanks again for all you do for the Greenwood Community and we look forward to a great year! Continue reading
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2016-2017 GWS Accomplishments!

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Greenwood Community:  Please see the attached document to read about all the multiple accomplishments across the district for the 2016-2017 school year.  Thanks for all you do and all your support and know we are working hard to get ready for the 2017-2018 school year! Continue reading
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GHS Partners in Education

The Mission of Greenwood Community School Corporation is continuously to improve the system of teaching and learning that results in increased achievement in all students.

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