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Craig Bruns

Craig Bruns

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Drivers' Training (CIESC)

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Please see the information below about drivers' training through the CIESC.

General Graphic 
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Technologies are Back!

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It appears as of 8:10 am, that many, if not all technologies are back online at GHS.  Don't miss period 2! Continue reading
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Some technology issues

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GHS is experiencing various technololgy issues this morning (Monday, 12/14).  Please be aware if you are unable to login into your Zoom or other related technologies.  Thank you for continuing to try and hopefully, you will be able to access everything soon. Continue reading
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High School Resources

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We wanted to provide a few reminders of some of the opportunities for students to get help during this time.

*Teachers and counselors are available Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday from 2:00-2:30 during PowerHour for students in person to receive assistance.  Please consider taking advantage of this time to help!

*Teachers will be available for an office hour on Wednesdays (optional for students) through Zoom to get assistance from your teacher.  See the schedule below for times:

Art/PE/CTE:     8-9

Social Studies: 9-10

Science:        10-11

Math:            11-12

ELA:             12-1

World Language, Music, SPED:   1-2

*Finally, now that we are on a hybrid schedule and students are learning from home more, we invite you to check out the attached flyer for a great refresher on a FREE tool for ALL STUDENTS in Greenwood Schools! Snap&Read is a great addition to any lesson to make content more accessible to each student! 

Thanks for your patience, flexibility, and everything you are doing to support our students and staff!  Please let us know if we can be of assistance. Continue reading
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Hybrid Reminders

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Good evening.  We hope you had a nice weekend and enjoyed the wonderful weather.  GHS would like to remind you of a few important pieces of information as we get ready for our new hybrid schedule starting tomorrow, Monday (11/9):

*Students' last names beginning with A-L will attend school in person on Monday/Tuesday, unless they have been given permission or they are following an older sibling's schedule.

*Students' last name beginning with M-Z will learn remotely on Monday/Tuesday and should login into Canvas and follow teachers' instructions.  Linked here is a copy of the hybrid model that was sent last week. 

*C9 students using our transportation were sent a previous message (linked here) and are expected to follow the Gold Group.

*Seniors taking the make-up ISTEP test will not start Monday and were sent a message last week with details.  

Thank you and please contact the high school office at 317-889-4000 if you have any questions. Continue reading
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Hybrid Information

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A copy of last night's school messenger:

GHS families:

As a follow-up to Dr. DeKoninck's email, I would like to provide you with the GHS Hybrid schedule. As Dr. DeKoninck stated (his original statement is attached), we will be following the Hybrid schedule until further notice. 

Here are a few items of note:
  1. If a household would like to follow only one schedule, but you have students living in the household with different last names, you are permitted to follow the oldest student's schedule. 
  2. All students taking Central Nine (C9) will be expected to follow the directions of Dr. Kovach, Director of C9. 
  3. As a reminder, we are on a regular school schedule tomorrow (Thursday) and an E-Learning day on Friday. Students do not need to report to school on Friday; however, they are expected to login and complete teacher assignments online. 
  4. We will follow the GHS Hybrid Model beginning Monday, November 9th. 
Thank you for your support and being flexible. Also, please reinforce with your student the importance of completing all work and following each teacher's directions. Enjoy your evening. 

GHS Hybrid Model

GCSC Hybrid LetterCSC Hybrid Letter Continue reading
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Financial Aid Night

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Greenwood Community High School will be hosting Financial Aid Night on November 2nd at 6:00pm in the auditorium. INvestED will be with us to present an overview of the financial aid process (including scholarships, grants, and loans) highlighting key areas of the FAFSA, discussing filing deadlines, and common errors. Students and families are encouraged to attend together.

The event will be held live in person as well as streamed virtually. In-person attendees are expected to wear a mask and maintain social distance from other attendees. Join us virtually through Zoom (link below)

Please contact Lisa Laug at llaug@gws.k12.in.us with any questions. 

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 788 5572 0549 Passcode: 8HmWvu 

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Posted by on in Greenwood High School News
This Thursday, October 29th, all sophomores will take the PSAT at GHS. Also, any junior who signed up will also take the PSAT.

Students need to arrive at their testing rooms by 7:30 am on Thursday. Students will be informed of their testing location through their English teacher in class tomorrow.

On test day, students must bring a #2 pencil (non mechanical) and a calculator. Cell phones, smart-watches, and any other electronic devices must be powered down and in their bag during the administration.

The test will last approximately 3 ½ - 4 hours. Most students will be done with testing by approximately 11:15-30am. Some students may be testing longer if they have extended time accommodations.

Once the testing room has completed the administration they will be released to go home. Students may have lunch before leaving the building. If students do not have transportation they will report to the cafeteria for the remainder of the day.  Normal bus transportation is available at the beginning and end of the day.

Distance Learners will be testing in the Student Activities Complex and will report there for testing. They should enter door 31N so they will not have to enter the main building. Continue reading
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Operation Bundle-Up

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Due to COVID-19 Operation Bundle Up will operate differently this year. 
STEP 1: Register online. To receive assistance you must register online at https://www.uwjc.org/operation-bundle. Registration will begin October 26th at 9 a.m.. There is a limited number of registrations. Registration will be closed once the number is reached.
STEP 2: Choose the date and time. After you register, you will receive a link via email to choose a date and time to pick-up your assistance.
STEP 3: Follow instructions. Very detailed instructions on how to obtain your assistance will be provided via email.

Please Note: 

-- Must be a Johnson County, Indiana resident to receive assistance. 

--Assistance will be limited to infant — 17 years old. 

--There will be limited number of registrations. Registration will be closed once the number is reached. 

--Assistance will be provided over a 3-day period. 

--To register: https://www.uwjc.org/operation-bundle Continue reading
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Thanksgiving Baskets

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Thanksgiving Baskets will be available for those needing assistance this coming holiday season.    If you have a need for a basket, please contact Ms. Samantha Young by November 5, 2020 via phone or email  317-889-4000 x3506 or syoung@gws.k12.in.us Continue reading
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Holiday Assistance

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The Christmas Angels Program is designed to provide gifts for children (newborn to 17) who would otherwise not have a Christmas. United Way’s mission is to assist as many children as possible. The program is not intended to supplement other Christmas assistance. If parents are no longer together, the children will be served through the parent/guardian with physical custody.

DEADLINE TO APPLY: Nov. 12 - Applications will be taken in person only. Do not mail it in.  To receive an application please contact Ms. Young at 317-889-4000 x3506 or via email at syoung@gws.k12.in.us

*If you'd like to sponsor a family in need this holiday season, please contact Ms. Young at syoung@gws.k12.in.us or 317-889-4000 x3506 Continue reading
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Wednesday (9/30)-E-learning Day

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Greenwood High School would like to remind you that this Wednesday, September 30th, is a E-learning day at the high school for all students.  Students should log into Canvas during the day to see materials from each of their courses and complete the work necessary by the appropriate due date.  There are less than 2 week remaining in the nine weeks, so all students should continue to work hard and perform their very best.  Thank you for your cooperation and have a great evening! Continue reading
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Schedule change for Thursday, 9/24, only

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Due to ASVAB testing tomorrow, Thursday, 9/24, Period 6 will be before Period 5/Lunch.  Thus, the time schedule is listed below:

Period 1                       7:30 – 8:15

Period 2                       8:20 – 9:05

Period 3                       9:10 – 9:55

Period 4                   10:00 – 10:45

Period 6                      10:50-11:35 

Period 5/Lunch

      Lunch 1:  11:35-12:05

      Lunch 2:  12:07:30-12:37:30

      Lunch 3:  12:40-1:10

Period 7                          1:15-2:00                          

PowerHour/HR            2:05 – 2:30

This schedule change is only for tomorrow, Thursday, 9/24, due to testing and the schedule will return to normal on Friday.  Thank you for your flexibility. Continue reading
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On September 24th, students enrolled in Preparing for College and Careers this semester will be taking the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. The ASVAB is a well-researched aptitude test that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success. ASVAB Career Exploration Program is designed to help young people explore their options and make a plan.

ASVAB results are reported to students and counselors on the ASVAB Summary Results sheet. Scores are released to military recruiters 7 calendar days after results are mailed to the school, without phone numbers. To request that your student's scores not be provided to military recruiters, please complete this form

Students who do not pass either the Math 10 or English portion of the ISTEP+ exam may be eligible to use their ASVAB score to graduate without using the waiver process. Therefore it is vital that students put forth their best effort during the ASVAB administration.

Distance Learning Students

Students who are currently participating in distance learning are encouraged to come to the building to participate in the testing administration. Any students taking the ASVAB should report to the cafeteria by 7:25 am. If your student is a distance learner and is planning on coming to school to participate in the ASVAB administration, please complete this form.   Continue reading
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CIESC Driver Education

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CIESC Driver Education traditional classes will be live-streamed onlined.  Click the link below for more more information:

CIESC Driver Education Continue reading
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PTO Meeting!

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PTO meeting today, September 14th, 6:30pm at West Side Park (shelter in back parking lot)  Please bring a chair just in case we need to move outside the shelter to accommodate social distancing.  Please join us!  Continue reading
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In Case You Missed It...

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Linked below is last week's school messenger message from Monday, September 1st:  

School Message (9/1/2020)

Also, linked below is an updated high school calendar for first semester reflecting the school message from above:

GHS Updated Calendar Continue reading
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Meet the Teacher Night (or Week)

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For Meet the Teacher Night, each teacher has a welcome video posted on the front page in his or her Canvas course providing you will the details each teacher would have provided on a traditional Meet the Teacher Night.  Please log into Canvas to view those videos.  The GHS Administration created a short video as well linked below:

GHS Administration-Meet the Teacher

Thanks for all you are doing for the students and staff of GHS! Continue reading
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Canvas Accounts-Parents

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The link below will walk you through how to set up a parent account in Canvas using a pairing code from your son or daughter.


Also, the following link will have information on how to add multiple students to a Canvas parent account.


Canvas is the learning management system that all teachers use in their classroom.  Parents, please create an account if you have not already done so.  Thanks for all your support!  Continue reading
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Robotics Tryouts

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Information about Robotics Tryouts is linked below:

  Robotics Information Continue reading
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The Mission of Greenwood Community School Corporation is continuously to improve the system of teaching and learning that results in increased achievement in all students.

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