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Craig Bruns

Craig Bruns

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Graduation Online Broadcast

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GHS will again broadcast graduation online this year.  The broadcast will begin at 6:55 pm on Friday, May 26th, here.  The camera will be a fixed camera focused on the speaker as well as the students walking across the stage to receive their diplomas.  While not the same experience as being in attendance, we hope this option provides family and friends unable to attend the ceremony a way to celebrate this special evening! Continue reading
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Honors' Day and Finals' Week

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Due to Honors' Day, on Friday (5/19), the schedule will be different to accomodate the special recognition of our seniors and award winners.  Please see the attached schedule for more details.

Also, second semester final exams begin on Monday (5/22).  These exams represent a culmination to the semester and present students the opportunity to demonstrate their learning and improve their overall grades.  Please continue to stress the importance of preparing for these exams to all students.  Also, please feel free to see the attached schedule as well as the final exam procedures.

Thanks and have a great finish to the school year! Continue reading
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Parents/Guardians of juniors:  A Meningitis booster is required by the Indiana State Department of Health to be administered prior to the start of the senior year.  Please contact your primary care physician to schedule an appointment and submit the completed immunization record to the school nurse.  If you would like resources for immunization administration or you have general questions, please contact Josh Harmon, RN, at 317-889-4014. Continue reading
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Camp Kesem

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Camp Kesem is a nationwide, nonprofit organization that provides free summer camp and year-long support for children who have been affected by their parent's cancer. This could mean that their parent currently has cancer, has had cancer, or past away due to the terrible disease. At Camp Kesem, our goal is to provide support for the children who have experienced adult-sized problems at a young age, while also giving them a fun escape and a chance to bond with other children facing the same experiences. Our camp is open to any child between the ages of 6-16 and is completely free of charge!

Last year, Camp Kesem at Indiana University was able to serve 150 children from Central and Southern Indiana. This year, we are hoping to serve 190 children. With your help, we can provide these children with sense of community and lifelong friendships! If you know of any families that would benefit from our services, please have them email me at indiana.outreach@campkesem.org or visit our website at campkesem.org/indiana. If you would like more information or other ways you can help Camp Kesem, please feel free to email me as well!

Our registration for Camp 2017 is now open to new families and we have many spots available! We hope that we will able to serve many new families this upcoming year. Interested families can apply at this link: https://campscui.active.com/orgs/CampKesem#/selectSessions/1717902 Continue reading
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Hits: 6441

Homeroom Tuesday!

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Students:  Just a reminder of your opportunity to get extra help during homeroom.  In addition to having the opportunity to see your teachers, you can also go to other rooms to assist your studies:

C237 (computer access), LGI 2 (collaboration), and C221A (EL assistance), Music Department (practice-please get pass first)

Next week will be a club/extracurricular/interest group homeroom in addition to academic help...more information to come later this week.  Take advatange of the opportunities! Continue reading
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Homeroom Updates

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Students:  Please remember there are new homeroom procedures beginning this week.

1st Tuesday of the Month:  Regular homeroom

Last Tuesday of the Month:  Clubs/Teams/Activities may meet during homeroom.  Lists will be posted throughout school and electronically of those groups meeting.  Students are also encouraged to see one of their academic teachers to get help or make up assignments/assessments.  Students should obtain a purpose pass ahead of time (see below for more information).  C237 will be open to provide computer access and LGI 2 will be open for student collaboration.  Students should also obtain purpose pass ahead of time to visit either of these rooms.

Every Other Tuesday:  Same as the "Last Tuesday of the Month" with the exception that clubs/teams/activities will not meet.

*Purpose passes may be obtained from your teacher by either asking for one or the teacher may give you one.  Purpose passes for C237/LGI 2 may be obtained from the main office.

*If you receive a purpose pass you are expected go to that classroom.  If you receive more than one, please talk with your teachers to work out what is best for you.

*If you forget to obtain a purpose pass, you may still try and go see a teacher during homeroom, but since seats are limited, you may have to come back another day.  Thus, please see your teacher ahead of time.

*If you are going to see another teacher, you do not need to check in with your regular homeroom teacher.  Report directly to the teacher you are going to see at the conclusion of period 4 and you will sign-in when you get there.

*All students should be in a classroom and with a teacher for the duration of homeroom.  This opportunity is a response to both teacher and student feedback and provides the student with additional privileges/opportunities and hopefully a greater sense of ownership in his/her education.  Please understand these responsibilities and live up to the expectations and trust afforded you.  Students failing to following directions will lose these privileges, and possibly receive discipline.

We're excited about this opportunity and hope it provides all of you with another opportunity to further your education within the school day. Continue reading
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Students Interested in C-9

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On December 7, representatives from the Central Nine Career Center will be at our school and presenting the sophomore English classrooms. Students who are interested in attending the C9 field trip in January and/or attending C9 for the 2017-2018 school year should fill out the short form below. 

https://goo.gl/forms/TBejbkRf3nvwnVM23 Continue reading
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Highlighting Greenwood Schools - Oasis

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Check out the the video link below for a description of the Oasis Tutoring Program at Greenwood Community Schools.  Thanks so much to the community for all of their help!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-uh33Xzc1g&feature=youtu.be Continue reading
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Hits: 5165

Midterms and the Rest of the Semester!

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Parents:  Last week completed the midterm of our second nine weeks.  Student grades should be updated on PowerSchool.  If you would like to request a paper copy of the midterm or if you need your username or password to logon to PowerSchool, please contact the high school at 889-4000. 
Also a reminder that school will not be in session next week, November 21st through November 25th, because of Thanksgiving.  School will resume on Monday, November 28th.  When we return we only have three weeks left, including Final Exams, until Winter Break.  Please remember these exams represent a large portion of students’ semester grades, so please continue to work your hardest, be in attendance, and complete all of you work in preparation for these tests and to deepen your understanding of the content.  Thanks and have a great evening!
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Drop-Off/Pick-Up Procedures

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drop off pick up

We wanted to provide you a reminder of drop-off and pick-up procedures:

*Please follow the indicated route (in yellow) to drop-off students before school and pick-up students after school at door 32 (until 2:40 pm or 2:10 pm on Wednesdays).
*Please avoid the front parking lot (in red) so staff can enter safely and buses can unload in a safe manner.  After the buses depart in the morning (7:15 am), some of you have been dropping students off in the front.  While not encouraged, please understand there will be no one directing traffic at this time and you should follow traffic rules and signs.  After the buses depart in the afternoon (2:40 pm or 2:10 pm on Wednesdays), there will be someone directing traffic at the "T" by the school until approximately 12 minutes after school ends.  Again, you should follow traffic rules and signs when no one is directing.

We understand and recognize this procedure may require you arrive earlier in the mornings or later in the afternoons to avoid lines, but we believe it is in the best interest of all students.  Thus, please make the necessary accomodations and adjustments to help each school day begin and end as best it can. Continue reading
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Parent Volunteer Form/Limited Criminal History Check

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Parents:  The Parent Volunteer Form as well as the Limited Criminal History Request Form are both available under the "Parents" tab on the top of the school website.  Both forms must be completed, returned, and approved to volunteer for a GCS activity or event.  Due to new state regulations, the Limited Criminal History Request Form asks for an individual's Social Security Number.  You are welcome to come in and complete this document in the office in person if you prefer due to the nature of this information.  Thanks for your willingness to help with the numerous activities and events offered through GCS and please feel free to call the office at 889-4000 if you have any questions. Continue reading
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Hits: 4564

Canvas, Part II

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Parents:   Attached is a more detailed account of parent access and use in Canvas.  Also, attached is a document explaining how to add multiple children to a parent accout (for parents with multiple children in school). Continue reading
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Posted by on in Greenwood High School News
GHS now utilizes Canvas as a learning management system.  Teachers are being asked to do the following:  

1)  Maintain a front page with contact information along with course rules/information.
2)  Utilize the calendar feature to announce major work (i.e. tests, papers, projects, etc.).
3)  Increase student online submissions in honors' courses.

Many teachers are going above these year one expectations by including additional, useful information for students.  As a parent/guardian, you have the ability to link to your child's account and become an "observer" in Canvas to view what teachers post relevant to course material.  You will not be able to see any other students' information, scores, or work.

To sign up, go to the Greenwood High School homepage (http://www.gws.k12.in.us/greenwood-high-school).  Under the "Parents" link, select "Canvas."  You will enter your name and email address along with your child's username/password and you can begin observing.  We hope you find this system beneficial as you help your child stay up to date and perform his/her best in all of his/her academic pursuits.

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Parking Lot and Meet the Teacher Night

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Good afternoon.  Parents, we wanted to provide you a reminder of a few items:

*Meet the Teacher has been moved and will be next Tuesday, August 16th.  The event will begin at 5:30 pm and attched is more  information.

*Students:  Please only cross the road where there is a staff member present and when that staff member indicates it is time to do so.

*Attention all parents who either pick up or drop off their children.

                -Please always drive in single file lines. 

                -Please avoid the bus drop pick area from 7 to 7:15 in the morning and 2:20 to 2:35 in the afternoon (adjust the time accordingly for Wednesday early dismissal).  The purpose of this request is to allow our buses to safely and efficiently transport our students.

                -Finally, please continue to be patient, think of others, and do all you can to ensure the safety of all individuals in the parking lot.

Thanks and have a great day! Continue reading
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Hits: 4782

New Health Service Documents for 2016-2017

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Please see the new health service documents attached below or above under the "Info" tab for 2016-2017 school year.  Feel free to contact the nurse's office at 889-4015 if you need more information.

Consent to Treat with HIPAA
Consent to Treat with HIPPA (Spanish)
Medication Consent Form
School Immunization Requirements
School Immunization Requirements (Spanish) Continue reading
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Hits: 4973

Graduation Online Broadcast

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Greenwood High School will broadcast its graduation live on Friday, May 27th, at 7:00 online at the following link:


The link should become active at approximately 6:50 pm on Friday and replays of graduation should also be available following the conclusion of graduation.  Please realize this camera will be fixed and will cover the podium as well as the area students receive their diplomas.  While this broadcast will not replace, or equal, the experience of being present in the gymnasium, we hope this view provides an opportunity for those family or friends who are unable to attend graduation to celebrate the Class of 2016! Continue reading
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Midterms-Fourth Nine Weeks

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Good afternoon.  Last week completed the midterm of our fourth nine weeks.   Students' grades should be updated on PowerSchool.  If you would like to request a paper copy of the midterm or if you need your username/password to log into to PowerSchool, please contact the high school at 889-4000.  Thank you for all your help this year and always and please continue to encourage your child during this final push to the end of the school year.  Have a great evening! Continue reading
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Hits: 4736

Prom 2016

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PROM 2016 - The Junior Class of Greenwood Community High School presents "Vintage Hollywood" on Friday, April 29, 2016 from 7:00pm - 11:00pm at the Historic Union Station.  A plated dinner will be served at 7:30pm.  Prom Coronation will take place at 10:30pm (Parents are welcome to attend as this time).  All students are expected to be at school all day on Friday, April 29th.   

PROM tickets will be on sale Wednesday, April 13th, Thursday, April 14th, and Friday, April 15th during all 3 lunch periods.   Cost will be $60.00 per ticket.  Cash and Checks accepted ONLY.  Checks payable to GHS Prom.  Plus note: We can not accept checks including both the prom and post-prom events combined into one check.  Parking is not included in the ticket price this year!  We strong suggest carpooling with friends or parking at one of the Circle Center Mall parking garages that evening.     

Students planning to bring a non-GHS student must have a completed guest request form at time of purchase.  Students must be at least in the 9th grade and no more than 20 years of age.  A parent signature and copy of your guest's driver's license is also required.  ( Form attached).

Tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable.  No exceptions!

Questions: Please contact Mrs. Swisher in the Athletic Office.  
Union Station 3
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Welcome Back and the End of the 3rd Nine Weeks

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Good afternoon.  We hope all of you have had a safe and restful Spring Break and that students are eager to return on Monday morning.  The third nine weeks grades became official in PowerSchool the week before break and we are now in the fourth nine weeks.   If you need helping logging into PowerSchool or would like a paper copy of your child’s grades, please contact the office at 889-4000. 

As we begin this fourth nine weeks, please continue to encourage your child to make the most out of each day and continue with his or her best effort to complete this year.

Thanks again for all you do and have a great day! Continue reading
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Hits: 4376

Senior Final Exam-Waiver Opportunity

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Seniors:  You have the opportunity to waive one second semester final exam based upon your attendance, grades, and discipline within that section.  See the attached document with specific guidelines and requirements.   Continue reading
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GHS Partners in Education

The Mission of Greenwood Community School Corporation is continuously to improve the system of teaching and learning that results in increased achievement in all students.

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