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Welcome From Our Student Services Advisor!

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Welcome, Freshmen! How exciting is it to be attending high school? You must be experiencing a lot of different emotions right now. No worries, these feelings are normal as you head into your new adventure as a high school student. Things to remember: be on time, be prepared, and be respectful. Be on time to school and each class. You have approximately 5 mins between each class once the bell rings. That’s plenty of time to get to and from each classroom. Will there be challenges? Sure, you’re still learning where classes are, which hallway to travel, and which set of stairs will get you there so you’re not late. Take the first few days of school to learn your way around. GHS is pretty simple to travel. Think about it this way: all English classes are in the same hall. All science is in the same area. If you know how to get to those hallways that’s half the battle! Being prepared for those classes is also very important. Over the first week of school teachers will go over what is needed, (i.e. pencils, binder requirements, spiral notebooks vs loose leaf paper, etc.). Pay attention and write down what is expected of you to be prepared for each of your classes. Respect is a two-way street. If you don’t give it, how do you expect to get it in return? Exactly! You don’t. So, please, think before you speak or act. Everyone deserves respect.

I am so excited to meet you this year and help you along your journey as a Freshman. If you need anything, I am located in the Guidance Office. Parents, my door is open to you, also. If you have any concerns or questions, please let me know. –Ms. Samantha Young, Student Services Advisor syoung@gws.k12.in.us or 317.889.4008 Last modified on


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Guest Saturday, 19 October 2024

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