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Pennies for Patients!

Posted by on in Southwest Elementary News
On Monday, Student Council will be sending individual boxes for each student to take home to collect money  for Pennies for Patients!   Change will be collected at school through Friday, February 20th.  The grade that brings in the most money will get their own Spirit Week to celebrate their grades' awesomeness!  Last year, SW collected $1650 and we want to beat that this year by collecting $1800.  Come on SW we can do it!

And if we reach that goal Mr.Corbin is going to get pied in the face!!!


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Chinese New Year Display

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The SW staff used their creativity to decorate a display celebrating the Chinese New Year!  Each staff member colored a picture of their Chinese Zodiac Animal: this year is the Year of the Ram/Sheep!  Students will be learning about the Chinese New Year through various projects during Art class. This year, the Chinese New Years falls on February 19th! Continue reading
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Happy 100th Day of School!

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1st grade loves to celebrate the 100th day of school with various activities.  Mrs. Pringle's class took their celebration a step further,and decided to dress up like they were 100 years old for the day!  You're looking fabulous Mrs. Pringle's class!!! Continue reading
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Media Center Dedication

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On Wednesday, January 21st, we will be dedicating the new Media Center in memory of Jennifer Longworth. The dedication will start at 4pm and all are welcome to attend!

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Preschool now available at Greenwood Schools

Posted by on in Southwest Elementary News
Greenwood Schools is proud to offer a new opportunity for parents with preschoolers. Preschool classes will be offered at Northeast Elementary School starting in January for the spring semester. If you have a child between the ages 3-5, please contact Dawn at 738-0055 to schedule a tour or register. Classes are filling up quickly, registration ends December 19.

Las Escuelas de Greenwood están orgullosas de ofrecer una oportunidad nueva a los padres con alumnos preescolares. Las clases preescolares serán ofrecidas en la Escuela Primaria de Northeast comenzando en enero para el semestre de la primavera. Si tiene a un niño entre las edades de 3-5 años, por favor póngase en contacto con Dawn al 738-0055 para programar una visita o para inscribirlo. Las clases se están llenando rápidamente, las inscripciones se terminan el 19 de diciembre. Continue reading
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