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Graduation Livestream Link

Posted by on in Greenwood High School News
Below is the link provided by the Woodmen Broadcasting Network for the 2021 GHS Graduation Livestream.  Please subscribe on YouTube to the Woodmen Broadcast Network for any updates and future events.  

GHS Graduation Livestream

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School Registration for '21/'22

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GHS parents - nearly half of our students entering GHS have not registered for the 2021-22 school year. We need to fix this!  It's important we have all students registered before summer begins. If you have already registered your student, you do not need to do anything else. Thank you! 

If you still need to complete the registration process, please open the following link https://bit.ly/3fKKgxG and register your student. We appreciate your attention to this matter. We are excited to resume all activities and return to a normal (as possible) school year. Thank you.  Continue reading
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Graduation-Change in Location

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Senior students and families.

Greenwood High School will now hold Friday's 7:00pm graduation ceremony in the main gym, not the football stadium as previously shared. Thankfully, the restrictions remain the same as we move the ceremony indoors. Those conditions include:
  1. All graduating seniors will receive four (4) tickets for family members and friends (no change). Tickets will be distributed to seniors at graduation practice. 
  2. Presenters (personally selected by seniors) will beable to present diplomas to seniors. (no change).
  3. All seniors, visitors, and staff will be required to wear masks (no change). 
  4. We ask families to sit and remain together but socially distance from other families (no change). 
We want to thank the Johnson County Health Department for their support in granting permission for this event. The forecast for Friday has continuously called for rain and/or storms throughout the day, so we feel an indoor event will allow the school and families to begin the planning process without weather concerns. Please note the school, in collaboration with the Johnson County Health Department, could not approve a plan until we were near the time of the event.   

As a reminder, graduation will take place this Friday beginning promptly at 7pm. Doors will open to 6:00pm, and the event is being live-streamed by our WBN students. Seniors must arrive by 6:15pm and report to their assigned area. 

Lastly, graduating seniors must be present for graduation practice beginning Friday morning at 9am. This is mandatory for all seniors wishing to participate in the commencement ceremony. Students will report directly to the main gym. Thank you for your understanding and willingness to follow our guidelines.  Continue reading
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School Device Return

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In-Person Students-Device Return

*9th through 11th grade students:

-Turn in device/charger to period 3 teachers at the end of the Final Exam (last day of school).

-Teachers will use a check off list to record if students turn in device, charger, or used their own device.

-Students taking summer school will keep their device (list will be given to teachers) and there will be a spot on the checklist for that too.

*12th grade students:

-Turn in devices/chargers after their last final on Thursday, 5/27 (either after period 4 or period 5) to room C103.

-Students taking summer school will keep their device.

*Students who may have forgotten their device/charger (hopefully not many), can return them to the high school the next week Tuesday (6/1) through Friday (6/4) from 8 am to 1 pm.

*Any and all students will be charged if they do not turn in their device and charger. 

Distance Learning Students-Device Return

*Distance Learning seniors must return their device to school on Friday, May 28th, between the hours of 8 am and 12 noon.

*Distance Learning students (9th-11th)  should return their school-issued device and charger to the main office during the week of June 1st through June 4th between the hours of 8 am and 12 noon.

*Any and all students will be charged if they do not turn in their device and charger.   Continue reading
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Final Exams

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Good afternoon.  Final Exams begin next week for all GHS students.  Final Exams represent an important opportunity for students to show their learning and either help improve or maintain their grades in each course.  A few important notes:

*School begins at the regular time of 7:30 am each day.

*There will be no afternoon PowerHour but there will be PowerHour on Thursday morning only.

*Buses will run at their regular times all week, and all students will remain in school until 2:30 each day (except on PLC Wednesday when they will leave at the PLCr time of 2:00). 

*On Monday, seniors will take their period 3 Final Exam early, while all other students will be in their period 3 classes preparing for their final exam.  Seniors will be expected to leave the school building on the last day of school (Thursday) after their last final.

*Only those students who were distance learning as of the end of April can take their finals online.  

*All in-person students must take final exams in person at GHS.  If a student misses a final exam, for any reason, and cannot make it up before the school year ends, that student is required to come into school the next week (Tuesday, June 1st through Friday, June 4th) between 8 am and 12 noon to take the final(s) missed.

*School issued devices and charges must be turned in at the end of school as well to avoid being charged.  A school messenger will come out later this week with procedures.

*The full schedule is linked here.

Please encourage your child to work hard in preparation, try their very best, and finish the year as well as they can.  

Thank you-

GHS Administration Continue reading
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