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Final Exam Information

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Final Exams begin at GHS on Monday, December 20th, and will finish on Wednesday, December 22th.  The complete schedule is linked here.  Finals represent a great opportunity to demonstrate learning and improve grades.  Please encourage your child to prepare thoroughly and do his/her best!

There will be make-up days for students who miss finals.  The make-up dayes will be Tuesday (12/28), Wednesday (12/29), and Thursday (12/30) from 8 am to 12:30 pm (exterior doors will lock at 11:00 am).  Also, students could make-up finals on Tuesday (1/4) beginning at 7:30 am and finishing by 3:30 pm (exterior doors will lock at 2:00 pm).  Please complete the linked form to inform us when your child plans on coming in to take the make-up Final Exams. Continue reading
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Canned Food Collection

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The Greenwood Student Athletic Advisory Committee will be collecting canned goods from November 30 - December 19 to benefit the Good Cheer Fund. 

S.A.A.C. Members will also be on hand at the Girls and Boys Home Basketball games on December 3rd collecting cans. Any student who brings a canned good to this game will also receive a FREE SPECIALITY T-SHIRT. Students also get into the game for FREE by showing their Student ID at the door. Continue reading
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Food Pantry Drive-Thru

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On November 13th, the GEF in partnership with First Harvest Food Pantry will host a FREE Food Pantry Drive-Thru.  This event is open to any Johnson Country resident; no documentation needed.  We will distribute nonperishable food boxes to the first 200 families to arrive or while supplies last.  This drive-thru event will be held at the Greenwood High School staff parking lot from 10am-noon.  See the flyer linked below for more information:

Food Pantry Drive-Thru Continue reading
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Financial Aid Night

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On Tuesday November 2 at 6pm, Greenwood Community High School will host financial aid night. Our partners at INvestED will provide an overview of the types of financial aid, key steps in the financial aid application process and what happens after the FAFSA is filed.  The presentation will take place in the high school auditorium at 6:00. Senior students and their parents or guardians are encouraged to attend. Attendees can enter through door 32 on the west side of the building. Continue reading
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Tuesday, October 26 is PSAT Testing Day

On Tuesday, October 26, GHS will be administering the PSAT to all students grades 9-11. The PSAT provides students and teachers important data that helps determine students' level of college and career readiness, and it better prepares students for the SAT exam. 

Testing Time:

Officially, October 26 will be an E-Learning day for students grades 9-12. Students in grades 9-11 will be expected to be in attendance at GHS for the PSAT exam. The exam will begin sharply at 7:30am, and we anticipate students to be released at approximately 11:00am. Once students are dismissed from their testing room, they may either exit the building for the day or report to the cafeteria for lunch. Students who have an IEP or 504 (allowing additional time) should finish the PSAT exam at approximately 12:15pm (noon).  

Seniors will not report to GHS on Tuesday, October 26. Since October 26 is an E-Learning day, seniors will be expected to complete assignments at home. We also encourage all seniors to schedule senior capstone mentoring hours on this day. 


Students (grades 9-11) are not required to eat lunch at GHS; however, we will provide a regular lunch for all students (9-11) if they report to the cafeteria after the exam. 


Students (grades 9-11) are permitted to leave the building once the school releases them from the testing room. If students do not have a ride home, busses will pick students up at 12:30pm and drop them off at their regular bus stop. All students riding the bus home must remain in the cafeteria until busses arrive at 12:30pm. Students are not permitted to leave the campus and return to catch a bus home.  Continue reading
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The Mission of Greenwood Community School Corporation is continuously to improve the system of teaching and learning that results in increased achievement in all students.

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