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Winterization Information

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Winterization is coming! Save the date for November 14th for our annual community-

wide volunteering organization. Volunteers will be raking leaves, cleaning gutters, mowing grass, washing windows, and weatherproofing windows and doors in groups for senior citizens to prepare their homes for the winter. The event starts off with a free breakfast at 8:00 a.m. and will end with a free lunch at 12:00 p.m. Permission slips are provided in the lunchroom, English classrooms, and in Mrs. Stadtfeld’s room in C118 and should be returned by November 3rd to Mrs. Stadtfeld. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Laura Stadtfeld at (317) 889-4000 Ext. 3148, @lstadtfeld@gws.k12.in.us, or in room C118. Continue reading
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This Thursday, October 29th, all sophomores will take the PSAT at GHS. Also, any junior who signed up will also take the PSAT.

Students need to arrive at their testing rooms by 7:30 am on Thursday. Students will be informed of their testing location through their English teacher in class tomorrow.

On test day, students must bring a #2 pencil (non mechanical) and a calculator. Cell phones, smart-watches, and any other electronic devices must be powered down and in their bag during the administration.

The test will last approximately 3 ½ - 4 hours. Most students will be done with testing by approximately 11:15-30am. Some students may be testing longer if they have extended time accommodations.

Once the testing room has completed the administration they will be released to go home. Students may have lunch before leaving the building. If students do not have transportation they will report to the cafeteria for the remainder of the day.  Normal bus transportation is available at the beginning and end of the day.

Distance Learners will be testing in the Student Activities Complex and will report there for testing. They should enter door 31N so they will not have to enter the main building. Continue reading
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Operation Bundle-Up

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Due to COVID-19 Operation Bundle Up will operate differently this year. 
STEP 1: Register online. To receive assistance you must register online at https://www.uwjc.org/operation-bundle. Registration will begin October 26th at 9 a.m.. There is a limited number of registrations. Registration will be closed once the number is reached.
STEP 2: Choose the date and time. After you register, you will receive a link via email to choose a date and time to pick-up your assistance.
STEP 3: Follow instructions. Very detailed instructions on how to obtain your assistance will be provided via email.

Please Note: 

-- Must be a Johnson County, Indiana resident to receive assistance. 

--Assistance will be limited to infant — 17 years old. 

--There will be limited number of registrations. Registration will be closed once the number is reached. 

--Assistance will be provided over a 3-day period. 

--To register: https://www.uwjc.org/operation-bundle Continue reading
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Thanksgiving Baskets

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Thanksgiving Baskets will be available for those needing assistance this coming holiday season.    If you have a need for a basket, please contact Ms. Samantha Young by November 5, 2020 via phone or email  317-889-4000 x3506 or syoung@gws.k12.in.us Continue reading
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Holiday Assistance

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The Christmas Angels Program is designed to provide gifts for children (newborn to 17) who would otherwise not have a Christmas. United Way’s mission is to assist as many children as possible. The program is not intended to supplement other Christmas assistance. If parents are no longer together, the children will be served through the parent/guardian with physical custody.

DEADLINE TO APPLY: Nov. 12 - Applications will be taken in person only. Do not mail it in.  To receive an application please contact Ms. Young at 317-889-4000 x3506 or via email at syoung@gws.k12.in.us

*If you'd like to sponsor a family in need this holiday season, please contact Ms. Young at syoung@gws.k12.in.us or 317-889-4000 x3506 Continue reading
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The Mission of Greenwood Community School Corporation is continuously to improve the system of teaching and learning that results in increased achievement in all students.

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