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Picture Day!

Posted by on in Greenwood High School News
GHS school pictures will take place next week. To help maintain social distancing, we will spread out our school pictures over two days in the varsity gym. Students will go with their English classes to the gym for photos, according to this schedule:

GHS students with the following English teachers will pose on Tuesday, August 25:

Mrs. Bonham

Mr. Campbell

Mrs. Grider

Mrs. Smithey

Mrs. Hanek-Williams

GHS students with the following English teachers will pose on Wednesday, August 26:

Mrs. Allen

Mrs. Cinnamon

Mrs. Kendall

Mrs. Senac

Mr. Williams

Special Education teachers will select either day and should inform their students’ parents when those pictures will take place.

All remote learners will pose after school on August 25. Letters detailing the school picture process for remote learners went out in the mail last Friday. You should receive your letter soon if you haven’t already received it. The remote learner schedule for August 25 only will be:

2:30 – 3:45 p.m.        Last Names A – J    

4:00 – 5:00 p.m.        Last Names K – Z

All students in Grades 9-11 will receive school picture order forms in English class tomorrow. English teachers will have extra forms in their rooms, and extra forms will be available in the front office.

Seniors: Parents can order these school pictures for students in Grade 12, too, and their English teachers have forms available in class. Our Senior Portrait photography company is fine-tuning the plan for our special Senior Pictures. Please be patient; I will share info as soon as I have it. In the meantime, ensure your seniors look nice for next week’s regular school picture day because these photos taken will be used for their transcripts that employers, recruiters, college admission officers, scholarship committees, and other important people in their lives will see.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at droberts@gws.k12.in.us Continue reading
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GHS Visitor Policy

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Please read the attached visitor policy. We appreciate everyone's cooperation as we continue to take necessary measures to keep our students and staff safe. Remember everyone must wear a mask to enter the building. Thank you!

  GHS Visitor Policy Continue reading
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Student Drop Off/Pick Up Practices

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Linked below is a copy of yesterday's school messenger about updated parking lot procedures.  You have done a great job in the parking lots so far...thanks so much!

Parking Lot Updates Continue reading
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Canvas Parent Accounts

Posted by on in Greenwood High School News
Linked below are instructions for parents on setting up a Canvas account:

Parent Instructions

How to Add Additional Students to a Parent Account Continue reading
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First Day of School!

Posted by on in Greenwood High School News
Good evening. Just a reminder that school begins tomorrow at 7:30 am. All Students:  Please log into PowerSchool this evening or in the morning to view your schedule because there have been many changes since schedule pickup. Traditional/In-Person Student:  Please write down your locker combination to help tomorrow go well. Also, all drivers should allow extra time and show patience as we get everyone in and out of the school lots safely. Distance Learning Students: You should log into Canvas and each class to access the livestream link from home. If Canvas is not working, teachers should have emailed you the link. We hope you had a great summer and we look forward to seeing you in the morning! Continue reading
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