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Final Exams

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Good afternoon.  Final Exams begin next week for all GHS students.  Final Exams represent an important opportunity for students to show their learning and either help improve or maintain their grades in each course.  A few important notes:

*School begins at the regular time of 7:30 am each day.

*There will be no afternoon PowerHour but there will be PowerHour on Thursday morning only.

*Buses will run at their regular times all week, and all students will remain in school until 2:30 each day (except on PLC Wednesday when they will leave at the PLCr time of 2:00). 

*On Monday, seniors will take their period 3 Final Exam early, while all other students will be in their period 3 classes preparing for their final exam.  Seniors will be expected to leave the school building on the last day of school (Thursday) after their last final.

*Only those students who were distance learning as of the end of April can take their finals online.  

*All in-person students must take final exams in person at GHS.  If a student misses a final exam, for any reason, and cannot make it up before the school year ends, that student is required to come into school the next week (Tuesday, June 1st through Friday, June 4th) between 8 am and 12 noon to take the final(s) missed.

*School issued devices and charges must be turned in at the end of school as well to avoid being charged.  A school messenger will come out later this week with procedures.

*The full schedule is linked here.

Please encourage your child to work hard in preparation, try their very best, and finish the year as well as they can.  

Thank you-

GHS Administration Last modified on


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Guest Saturday, 19 October 2024

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