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Important Information

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GHS families:

Good morning. Yesterday was a busy day for GHS as we communicated lots of new information to students and parents. Here is a quick review, and some clarifications, on what was presented yesterday.

  1. Online option for 2021-22. If you would like more information on the GHS online option for the 2021-22 school year, please review the information shared on our website at http://www.gws.k12.in.us/greenwood-high-school. Information is listed on the right hand side of the website. 
  1. PowerHour. GHS will return to a PowerHour bell schedule beginning tomorrow, Thursday, April 8th. Students are aware of the expectations of maintaining this schedule.
  1. Prom. The following announcement was made this morning regarding prom.
Prom is being held Friday, April 23 from 7:30 - 11:00 p.m. at The Sycamore at Mallow Run. Prom is open to all GHS seniors and juniors. Sophomores as dates only might be eligible if spots allow. Tickets will ONLY be sold to SENIORS tomorrow and Friday during lunch. Seniors may put a junior or sophomore guest name on a waitlist; however, seniors may only purchase 1 ticket for themselves this week. If spots remain, these juniors and sophomores will go on a waitlist with junior dates selected before sophomore dates. 

If spots are available, tickets will then be sold to juniors on Monday and Tuesday during lunch. Tickets prices are $30 per person and are non-refundable. Cash and checks payable to GHS Prom will be accepted. Credit cards cannot be accepted. Tickets may not be sold or transferred to anyone else. If tickets are still available after all seniors and juniors have had the opportunity to purchase them for themselves and sophomore dates, outside guests ages 16-20 will be permitted to attend starting with seniors first. No freshmen will be allowed to attend this year.

Appetizers and desserts will be served. Masks must be worn at all times and are mandatory. Students who wish to dance will do so in small friend groups with no “mosh style” dancing or large group dancing allowed. GHS reserves the right to monitor and maintain the number of students dancing at one time. Anyone with questions can contact the Prom coordinator at the email provided on the announcement page (Mrs. Erin Swisher: emswisher@comcast.net)
  1. Graduation. Graduation will take place Friday, May 28th at 7pm on the football field (weather permitting). All graduates will receive 4 tickets for family and friends. Our make-up date is the following day (Saturday) at 10:00am on the football field. If weather is still poor, we will move graduation to the main gym at 10:00am (Saturday). If so, the number of tickets available per graduate will be determined closer to the event, per JCHD. 
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Guest Saturday, 19 October 2024

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