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GHS Senior Personals - Final Deadline 10/7

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Do you have a senior best friend, brother, or sister? One way to send a permanent “good luck” and “I am so proud of you” message is to publish a Senior Personal in the yearbook. If you are a senior and know your parents intend to get one but haven’t done so yet, please share this information with them. Senior Personal spaces are basically sold out. The yearbook staff is designing those yearbook pages right now. If you want a Senior Personal in the yearbook, you need to pick up a form in the front office or in Room K105 OR print one from the school’s website and bring that form with payment, photos, and message to the front office by this Friday. Over Fall Break, the yearbook staff will finalize all Senior Personals and adjust pages as needed. After Fall Break, no Senior Personals will be accepted because no space will exist for additional ones.
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Guest Saturday, 19 October 2024

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