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Class of 2022 - Senior Pictures (June 21-23)

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Senior Pictures Update

Note:  All GHS seniors need to pose with Prestige to appear in their final GHS yearbook. You cannot provide photos taken by other people because of the way photos are flowed onto pages digitally for printing. Remember, no purchase is required.

Class of 2022 parents: By now, you should have received a postcard from Prestige with information about scheduling senior pictures. The info includes the website to use, the code for your specific senior, and the discount code for a free sitting. If you have not received your postcard, please email me at droberts@gws.k12.in.us so I can provide you with the info you need to schedule immediately; make sure you include the name of your senior in that email. Senior Pictures will take place at GHS next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (June 21-23) by appointment only, so you need to schedule immediately.

When you schedule your Senior Portrait sitting online for next Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday (June 21-23), you must put in the sitting fee discount code provided on the postcard to get the $10 off your sitting. If you select the lowest level sitting valued at $10, you'll have no sitting fee at all (after applying that discount code). If you choose one of the other sittings with more outfits and poses, you'll get $10 off that sitting using the same discount code. This code is unique to GHS because I negotiated so no senior is required to pay anything to be in the yearbook. 

Students will enter the school through Door 3N (the door in the center front of the school near the Media Center sign). The main entry doors by the office will be open until approximately Noon, but 3N will be open for the entire Senior Portrait appointment time frame. The studio will be set up in the IMC, which is the school library. 


What if my senior cannot pose on June 21-23?

Any GHS senior who cannot pose on June 21 -23 at school is welcome to travel to the Prestige Portraits studio in Carmel this summer to pose. To book that appointment at the Carmel studio, go to https://booknow.appointment-plus.com/yclxq4j4/  You should do this immediately. 

You need to pose before school begins, so booking online immediately is important. Several large schools, such as Carmel and Fishers, use this studio, and appointments can become scarce, especially when all the students and parents who procrastinate scramble to book. Book this today so you don't run into a problem. 


One final thought

You are going to get hit with different deadlines: posing deadlines, yearbook photo selection deadlines, etc. Some might seem pretty far into the future, and you might think you have lots of time to handle all of this. I've been handling our seniors and the yearbook for nearly 30 years, so please trust me when I tell you that booking appointments now -- whether for a photo session at school next week or up in Carmel -- is absolutely key. If you procrastinate, you could run into a problem even getting your senior in to pose because appointments will fill. I don't want our seniors or their parents to experience that type of stress.  


Let's make this a wonderful year for our seniors and start off on the right foot with senior pictures. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at droberts@gws.k12.in.us Last modified on


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