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STUDENTS, please complete the following survey to help our school:

ELEMENTARY PARENTS, please complete this survey:
https://goo.gl/forms/YxNv2XA7MP4lwMcr1 Continue reading
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Did you know 2015-2016

Posted by on in Westwood Elementary News
In 2015-16, in Greenwood Schools, did you know………

-       that our food service program did not raise lunch prices for the 4th year in a row?

-       it was the Year of Google for our district?  Our technology and curriculum departments facilitated the introduction and implementation of Google Apps for Education.

-       the district started $43 million in construction on our new middle school, an activities complex at the high school, renovation of the high school pool, air conditioning in both high school gymnasiums, and new HVAC work at Northeast Elementary?

-       that our transportation department facilitated 197 high school athletic contest trips and 94 middle school athletic contest trips?

-       that our district continued to have teachers collaborate regularly on curriculum alignment at grade level, across grade level, and across schools to ensure consistent instructional practices?

-       that our district focused on evaluating and improving the high ability program both in selection procedures and delivery model?

-       that Westwood Elementary was once again named a Four Star school?

-       that Greenwood High School received a Four Star school rating for the 5th consecutive year?

-       that Isom Elementary added the school district’s first elementary Robotics Club team?

-       that Greenwood Middle School started its first ever alternative school “within the school”?

-       that Northeast Elementary implemented peer observations where teachers observed peers and participated in a debriefing to share “glows” and “grows”?  This process allowed the school to highlight high impact instructional strategies.

-       that the Southwest Elementary 4th grade math bowl team won the state championship?

-       that our food service program served 375,835 lunches and 107,197 breakfasts?

-       that our district added 180 laptops for social studies textbook adoption and 25 Ipads at Westwood?  This is in addition to 400 laptops added in 2014-15 as well as plans in 2016-17 to add 270 Ipads K-1st grade, 120 laptops for 2nd grade, 250 tablets for middle school, and 165 tablets for high school.

-       that our district’s general overall financial health has increased to allow for increased student programming and competitive compensation for staff? 

-       that our school bus drivers drove almost 225,000 miles in transporting students to and from school?

-       that our district has made a financial commitment for more teacher professional development to occur in the summer to avoid teachers being out of the classroom during the school year?

-       that a cohort of teachers K – 6th grade have been trained in the SIOP method to further help our English Language Learner students?

-       that Westwood Elementary was a regional champion in Spell Bowl?

-       that Greenwood High School was an “A” school for the 5th consecutive year?

-       that Isom Elementary had 55 adult volunteers supporting the school in various ways on a regular basis?

-       that the Greenwood Middle school robotics team in its second year of existence qualified for and competed in the state robotics competition?

-       that by state standards, Northeast Elementary excelled in the number of students experiencing significant academic growth?

-       that Southwest Elementary achieved its discipline goal of 95% positive discipline?

-       that our food service program continues to operate with a healthy financial balance?  Many school district programs struggle to be self-supporting.

-       that the district expanded technology in the elementary classrooms to include laptops in K – 2nd grade for 2016-17?

-       that employee health insurance premiums paid by the district did not increase, thus not imposing additional expenses to the general fund?

-       that our students went on 460 field trips, travelling a total of 12,130 miles?

-       that our K – 5th grade writing prompts were coordinated and revised across the district to ensure stronger articulation? 

-       that at the district level, a more articulated K – 12 staff professional development plan has been developed to be more economically efficient, targeted, and equitable to focus on areas to better meet student needs?

-       that Westwood Elementary had a 97% passing rate on the IRead3 state assessment?

-       that Greenwood High started the innovative “Connections program”, aimed at providing a variety of modalities of instruction to nurture a different learning environment for students?

-       that Isom Elementary was the home of the district’s Teacher of the Year, Amber Ploutz?

-       that Greenwood Middle School created and implemented data teams to assist with student academic needs?

-       that Northeast Elementary implemented a before school academic program serving 45 students every morning to allow for an additional 30 minutes of instruction for students?

-       that Southwest Elementary introduced “Muffins with Mom”?

-       that our staff members attended “active shooter” training presented by Jason Grable, our school resource officer?

-       that our district continued its commitment to cultural competency?

-       that the Greenwood Education Foundation presented Greenwood teachers and administrators with almost $30,000 in grants to help facilitate instruction in the classroom?

-       that the district improved 32 places in rankings against other state public school districts  in the percentage of students passing both math and language arts on ISTEP?

-       that our co-curricular and extracurricular activities provide another vital piece of a student’s educational experience?

-       that there are so many more items for which we are proud and this is just a short list to give our stakeholders a quick reference?

-       that none of these items would not be possible without our wonderful students, our dedicated staff, supportive parents, and a caring community?

-       that as proud as we are, we are committed to being even better?

Thanks for a great 2015-16 school year! Looking for an even better 2016-17!

Kent DeKoninck, Ph.D.


Greenwood Community School Corporation

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Shoe Drive

Posted by on in Westwood Elementary News
Sertoma Club of Greenwood Shoe Drive
With Changing Footprints

Through generous donations of new and gently used shoes, boots, or footwear of any kind, Changing
Footprints has donated over 100,000 shoes locally, across the United States and to 18 countries.

Sertoma needs your help!

Sertoma has the month of March to collect as many shoes as possible to help kids and adults of all ages.
Please donate any kind of shoe in any condition at the shoe drop container located at Greenwood Schools
Administration Building located at 605 W. Smith Valley Road, Greenwood, 46142. New and gently worn
shoes will be redistributed and even damaged shoes are converted into playgrounds; all shoes are
Please place pairs of shoes in plastic bags for easier match-up and separation.

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Superintendent's Message

Posted by on in Westwood Elementary News

Superintendent's Message

dekoninck thumbFebruary 2016 School and district letter grades have recently been issued. Our district continues to be labeled as an “A” by the State of Indiana. We are proud of administrators, teachers, parents and students. This is a team effort and everyone’s dedication contributes to the maintenance of this high standard. Our district also jumped 32 places among all public school districts in the number of students passing both the math and language arts portion of ISTEP. I am proud of our academic achievement as measured by ISTEP. I also mentioned to our staff that as much as our scores have improved, we must continue to get better. Our staff accepts this challenge willingly and continues to focus every day on those skills needed for overall student success.

Dr. Kent DeKoninck, Superintendent 317-889-4060

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GHS Partners in Education

The Mission of Greenwood Community School Corporation is continuously to improve the system of teaching and learning that results in increased achievement in all students.

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