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Fourth Nine Weeks-Midterm

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Parents: Last week completed the midterm of our fourth nine weeks. Student grades should be updated on PowerSchool. If you would like to request a paper copy of the midterm or if you need your username or password to logon to PowerSchool, please contact the High School at 889-4000. Also, a reminder that Senior Projects Presentations take place Thursday and Friday of this week and ECAs begin for English 10, Algebra I, and Biology next week and last through May. Please continue to encourage your son or daughter to work hard and complete the year as best he or she can. Thanks for all you do and have a great week. Continue reading
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Congratulations go out to several Greenwood High School students.  Based on their PSAT scores, Michael Tam and Jaden Smith have met the requirements to enter the 2016 National Merit Scholarship Program.  Approximately 3% of program entrants quality for this pretigious honor and these two high performers have met these strigent requirements.  Congratulations also goes out to Alyssa Roscoe who was honored by the Carson Scholars for her outstanding academic achievement as well as her dedicated humanitarianism.  GHS is honored to have the opportunity to have these quality individuals attend GHS and inspire others with their work both inside and outside of the classroom.  Congratulations to all three students on these great honors! Continue reading
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GHS Students of the Month

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Greenwood High School would like to recognize and congratulate the students of the month:

Freshmen:  Brenna Collins and Max Miller
Sophomores:  Taylor Neely and Jose Tello
Juniors:  Cara Benjamin and Hank Vercerkova
Seniors:  Rachel Cox and Ethan Smith

Congratulations to all of you and thanks for the excellence you display and the positive role model you are for others! Continue reading
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GreenMachine Robotics Team

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WAY back in September, we started a Robotics team at Greenwood. We've come a long way since then! In our rookie season. GMJr. won the "Rookie Sensation" award at their first meet, and GMSr. won the "Motivate Award" AND "Finalist Alliance RunnerUp" at the 2nd meet. We won the Compass Award, an award for a video explaining the importance of a coach, with Mr. Campbell as the subject. (The video was made by Michelle Kaufman). Michael Tam won the Dean's List Award, a very prestigious award. These honors were both from the Indiana State Finals Meet. More than that, we all learned many lessons about working together as a team....and some engineering skills. We met MANY wonderful people from other Robotics teams, and REAL engineers and professionals in the work force. Thanks to the team coach, Chris Campbell, the guest coach, Mr. Snodgrass from Center Grove, mentor, Tami Vest, and all of the other mentors and parents that helped in our rookie season. The team also provided a much needed hands-on involvement in the STEM areas. We would love to see this just be the beginning for our Greenwood Machine Team. For more information about the Robotics team visit:  http://greenwoodrobotics.com/ Continue reading
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National Merit Finalist!

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Congratulations to Garret Minardo! Garret was awarded a FINALIST in the National Merit Scholarship program.  Garret will know this spring if he is selected as a Merit Scholarship winner. The NMSC awards approximately 8000 scholarships each year to such high achieving students. Continue reading
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