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Canvas, Part II

Posted by on in Greenwood High School News
Parents:   Attached is a more detailed account of parent access and use in Canvas.  Also, attached is a document explaining how to add multiple children to a parent accout (for parents with multiple children in school). Continue reading
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Posted by on in Greenwood High School News
GHS now utilizes Canvas as a learning management system.  Teachers are being asked to do the following:  

1)  Maintain a front page with contact information along with course rules/information.
2)  Utilize the calendar feature to announce major work (i.e. tests, papers, projects, etc.).
3)  Increase student online submissions in honors' courses.

Many teachers are going above these year one expectations by including additional, useful information for students.  As a parent/guardian, you have the ability to link to your child's account and become an "observer" in Canvas to view what teachers post relevant to course material.  You will not be able to see any other students' information, scores, or work.

To sign up, go to the Greenwood High School homepage (http://www.gws.k12.in.us/greenwood-high-school).  Under the "Parents" link, select "Canvas."  You will enter your name and email address along with your child's username/password and you can begin observing.  We hope you find this system beneficial as you help your child stay up to date and perform his/her best in all of his/her academic pursuits.

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Parking Lot and Meet the Teacher Night

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Good afternoon.  Parents, we wanted to provide you a reminder of a few items:

*Meet the Teacher has been moved and will be next Tuesday, August 16th.  The event will begin at 5:30 pm and attched is more  information.

*Students:  Please only cross the road where there is a staff member present and when that staff member indicates it is time to do so.

*Attention all parents who either pick up or drop off their children.

                -Please always drive in single file lines. 

                -Please avoid the bus drop pick area from 7 to 7:15 in the morning and 2:20 to 2:35 in the afternoon (adjust the time accordingly for Wednesday early dismissal).  The purpose of this request is to allow our buses to safely and efficiently transport our students.

                -Finally, please continue to be patient, think of others, and do all you can to ensure the safety of all individuals in the parking lot.

Thanks and have a great day! Continue reading
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Meet The Teacher Night

Posted by on in Greenwood High School News
"Meet The Teacher Night" will be Tuesday, August 16th. This night is dedicated to allowing parents/guardians to walk their child's schedule, meet their teachers, and learn more about class expectations and curriculum. Period 1 class will begin promptly at 5:30pm. Each class will be 15 minutes, and the night will conclude with Period 7 ending at 7:45pm. We hope to see you there, and don't forget your schedule! Continue reading
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New Health Service Documents for 2016-2017

Posted by on in Greenwood High School News
Please see the new health service documents attached below or above under the "Info" tab for 2016-2017 school year.  Feel free to contact the nurse's office at 889-4015 if you need more information.

Consent to Treat with HIPAA
Consent to Treat with HIPPA (Spanish)
Medication Consent Form
School Immunization Requirements
School Immunization Requirements (Spanish) Continue reading
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