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Final Yearbook Sales - Jan. 17 deadline

Posted by on in Greenwood High School News

Final yearbook sales will end Jan. 17. Students and parents can order using cash, check, or credit card to pay in full as well as cash or check to make two payment installments. Use the attached order forms or pick up one in the front office, in Room K105, and on the school’s website. 

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Homeroom Updates

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Students:  Please remember there are new homeroom procedures beginning this week.

1st Tuesday of the Month:  Regular homeroom

Last Tuesday of the Month:  Clubs/Teams/Activities may meet during homeroom.  Lists will be posted throughout school and electronically of those groups meeting.  Students are also encouraged to see one of their academic teachers to get help or make up assignments/assessments.  Students should obtain a purpose pass ahead of time (see below for more information).  C237 will be open to provide computer access and LGI 2 will be open for student collaboration.  Students should also obtain purpose pass ahead of time to visit either of these rooms.

Every Other Tuesday:  Same as the "Last Tuesday of the Month" with the exception that clubs/teams/activities will not meet.

*Purpose passes may be obtained from your teacher by either asking for one or the teacher may give you one.  Purpose passes for C237/LGI 2 may be obtained from the main office.

*If you receive a purpose pass you are expected go to that classroom.  If you receive more than one, please talk with your teachers to work out what is best for you.

*If you forget to obtain a purpose pass, you may still try and go see a teacher during homeroom, but since seats are limited, you may have to come back another day.  Thus, please see your teacher ahead of time.

*If you are going to see another teacher, you do not need to check in with your regular homeroom teacher.  Report directly to the teacher you are going to see at the conclusion of period 4 and you will sign-in when you get there.

*All students should be in a classroom and with a teacher for the duration of homeroom.  This opportunity is a response to both teacher and student feedback and provides the student with additional privileges/opportunities and hopefully a greater sense of ownership in his/her education.  Please understand these responsibilities and live up to the expectations and trust afforded you.  Students failing to following directions will lose these privileges, and possibly receive discipline.

We're excited about this opportunity and hope it provides all of you with another opportunity to further your education within the school day. Continue reading
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Students Interested in C-9

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On December 7, representatives from the Central Nine Career Center will be at our school and presenting the sophomore English classrooms. Students who are interested in attending the C9 field trip in January and/or attending C9 for the 2017-2018 school year should fill out the short form below. 

https://goo.gl/forms/TBejbkRf3nvwnVM23 Continue reading
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Highlighting Greenwood Schools - Oasis

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Check out the the video link below for a description of the Oasis Tutoring Program at Greenwood Community Schools.  Thanks so much to the community for all of their help!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-uh33Xzc1g&feature=youtu.be Continue reading
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Midterms and the Rest of the Semester!

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Parents:  Last week completed the midterm of our second nine weeks.  Student grades should be updated on PowerSchool.  If you would like to request a paper copy of the midterm or if you need your username or password to logon to PowerSchool, please contact the high school at 889-4000. 
Also a reminder that school will not be in session next week, November 21st through November 25th, because of Thanksgiving.  School will resume on Monday, November 28th.  When we return we only have three weeks left, including Final Exams, until Winter Break.  Please remember these exams represent a large portion of students’ semester grades, so please continue to work your hardest, be in attendance, and complete all of you work in preparation for these tests and to deepen your understanding of the content.  Thanks and have a great evening!
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The Mission of Greenwood Community School Corporation is continuously to improve the system of teaching and learning that results in increased achievement in all students.

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