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Posted by on in Greenwood High School News
Please see the linked video from GHS Principal Todd Garrison about information regarding remote learning.  

Thank you for your time, stay safe, and take care. Continue reading
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Remote Learning Reminder 1

Posted by on in Greenwood High School News
  1. If your student needs a device, please complete this form - request a device or call 317-889-4000 and leave a message with your child's name and your phone number.  Please only 1 device per family (K-12).
  2. If your student needs an essential item still located at the school, please call 317-889-4000 on Wednesday, April 1 from 12-2pm. You may also email us at ghs-requests@gws.k12.in.us. Someone will be available to assist you. We will retrieve this item and have it ready for pick-up. Please only essential items. 
  3. Devices and essential items will be available for pick-up on the following dates:
Thursday April 2 12-2pm (prefer grades 9-10)

Friday April 3 12-2pm  (prefer grades 11-12)

Please drive up to the main entrance and someone will be there to assist you. We are asking everyone to remain in their vehicles. Thank you.  Look for another Remote Learning Update later this week! Continue reading
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Hits: 2391

Remote Learning Update 1

Posted by on in Greenwood High School News
Good evening.  Please see the linked presentations below for more information regarding remote learning, device request/pick-up, essential item pickup, and other GHS updates.  

Presentation with Audio (links do not work)

Presentation without Audio (links do work)

An email was sent out earlier this evening with this same information.  If you did not receive it, please call the office at 317-889-4000 to update your email address to ensure you receive communications.

Thanks for your time and take care! Continue reading
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FAFSA Completion Night

Posted by on in Greenwood High School News
Greenwood Community High School will hold FAFSA Completion Night on Wednesday, February 26th from 6:00 – 7:00. Any seniors who have yet to file their FAFSA are encouraged to attend with their parents or guardians to receive on site FAFSA assistance from the financial aid experts from INvestED.  The event is from 6:00 – 7:00 in the C103 computer lab located in the English Hallway. Attendees should enter through the main high school entrance – labeled 2N Continue reading
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ISTEP (Sophomores)

Posted by on in Greenwood High School News
ISTEP begins this week for all sophomores.  English will test this week and math will test next week.  Please see the linked schedule for the schedule of periods and testing.  Good luck to all sophomores! Continue reading
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