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Denise Green

Denise Green

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GHS Alumni Hall of Fame Nominations Open

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Greenwood High School is relaunching the GHS Alumni Hall of Fame. For more information, please go to:
https://ghstimberlines.com/alumni-hall-of-fame-nominations/ Continue reading
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2022-2023 Yearbook Orders & Senior Personals (due 9/1)

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Although a couple of sales campaigns will take place during the year, ordering yearbooks by Sept 1 will save you money. Use this form to place your order. 


Also, parents of seniors need to pull together their Senior Personals for the 2022-2023 yearbook. Use this form to order by Sept. 1. This is the final deadline for all Senior Personals. Spaces will not be available after Sept. 1, so please meet this deadline. b2ap3_thumbnail_2023-Senior-Personals-due-090121.jpg Continue reading
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2021-2022 Yearbooks

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Most students picked up their 2021-2022 yearbooks during lunch on May 24; those who did not received multiple passes to pick up on May 25 and May 26. If you did not pick up your yearbook, please email Mrs. Green (dgreen@gws.k12.in.us) to arrange pick up at the high school. Office staff do not have access to yearbooks for students or parents who simply stop by to claim one. 

The spring supplement that contains Prom, graduation, the musical, spring sports, and other spring activities will be distributed in two ways. Graduates will receive their supplements in the mail. Students currently in grades 9-11 will receive theirs when school begins in August. These supplements are designed to peel and stick in the back of the yearbooks. Continue reading
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Class of 2023 Senior Pictures - This Summer!

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Class of 2023 Posing in June

One item that needs to be on senior parents' To Do lists right now is their children’s senior picture.

If this is your first GHS senior, you probably have no idea how senior pictures work. Basically, you can go anywhere to get your child’s senior pictures taken for photos you distribute to friends and family. BUT, your child must pose for his/her yearbook senior picture through Prestige Portraits this summer. You cannot provide a photo taken by somebody else for the yearbook because of specific digital imaging required for yearbook printing. Feel free to use those photos taken by someone else in senior personals -- those messages to seniors in the back of the yearbook -- as long as you have them by October.

To make senior pictures easy for you and your family, Prestige will set up a full studio at GHS in the library from June 20-23 with lots of background choices and props. You will receive an email and a postcard from Prestige with your child’s specific appointment time within the next couple of weeks. If you have a conflict with the date and time assigned, you will contact Prestige to change your appointment using information on that postcard. Prestige can set up full appointments at their studio on the north side of Indianapolis throughout the summer, too, if you’d rather drive to the studio. The key is that you get those photos taken by Prestige before school starts.

If you have questions for Prestige about your appointments or senior pictures in general, you can contact Christine Williams at 317/829-2073 Continue reading
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Picture Retakes - Oct. 1

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School Picture Retakes - October 1, 2021

Next Friday, Oct. 1, is School Picture Retake Day. Only students who fall into one of these categories will pose on Oct. 1 during English class:

  • Any student in grades 9-12 who was absent on the original picture day in August will pose – even if they do not want to order pictures.
  • Any student who ordered pictures in August but were unhappy with their pictures. These students must return the full picture package to the photographer to pose again. Please know that all students who did not purchase picture packages received proofs in case parents wanted to order. These are not considered packages to be returned to pose again.
  • Students who are ordering pictures taken on Retake Day should pose. Students can pick up Retake Day order forms in the front office or you can use the information sheet and order form emailed to all parents on Sept. 23. Remember, you can order online, too, using the information and code from the Retake Information Sheet. These forms have different codes than the forms used in August so ensure you are not using the August form or a code from an August form.  
Parents of Seniors: The Oct. 1 Picture Retakes have nothing to do with your seniors' special Senior Portraits. Last Chance Senior Portraits are scheduled for next Monday and Tuesday. If your senior did not pose in June in the IMC for Senior Portraits and did not drive up to the north side to the Prestige studio to pose, you should have received a letter about your appointment on Monday or Tuesday (Sept. 27 & 28). If you did not or have misplaced it, please contact Ms. Roberts at droberts@gws.k12.in.us today.  Continue reading
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9/1 - GHS Yearbook & Senior Personal Deadline

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Sept. 1 is a big day at GHS.

Orders for the 2021-2022 yearbook are due Sept. 1.
You can order with a check or cash using the attached form or order online through www.Jostensyearbooks.com. If you order online, make sure you select the yearbook for Greenwood Community High School in Indiana. We’ve had a few parents actually order yearbooks from Greenwood High Schools in other states, and that causes a pretty big problem. When purchasing online, you do have the option to pay on a payment plan. Sept-1-deadline.pdf

And, Sept 1 is the final deadline for people to order Senior Personals for the yearbook.
You can order with a check or cash using the attached form. 2022-Senior-Personals-due-090121.pdf

If you have questions, feel free to reach out to Denise Roberts at droberts@gws.k12.in.us or 317/889-4000 ext. 3142 Continue reading
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School Pictures Days (8/19 & 8/20)

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GHS School Picture days will take place today and tomorrow. School Picture information / order forms were distributed in English classes last week, but I've attached info to the bottom of this blog for parents. 

Students who have Mrs. Bonham, Mr. Campbell, Mrs. Grider, Mrs. Senac, and Mrs. Allen will pose during English classes on Thursday, Aug. 19.

Students who have Mrs. Smithey, Mrs. Williams, Mr. Williams, Mrs. Kuntz (Cinnamon), and Mrs. Hayes will pose during English classes on Friday, Aug. 20.

**Although seniors pose for special Senior Portraits for the yearbook, they also will pose next week for transcript and ID photos. Because future employers, college admission officers, scholarship committees, and other people important to their futures will see these transcript photos, seniors are encouraged to look nice for them.

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2020-2021 Yearbook Spring Supplement Distribution

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The yearbook staff wants your 2020-2021 yearbook to be complete, which means it needs to contain spring activities and spring sports. To do this, the yearbook staff created a special spring supplement designed to peel and stick into the back of your yearbook.

To simplify supplement distribution this year, here are 3 ways 2020-2021 yearbook purchasers can get their supplements:

1.  All graduates can look for supplements to arrive in the mail. The goal is to have these in the mail by July 19.

2.  Students who were in grades 9 - 11 last year can pick up their supplements in LGI 1 (the room across from the school library) on July 26 between 8 a.m. - Noon. July 26 is the first day of Device & Information Pick-Up at the high school. 

3.  Students who were in grades 9 - 11 last year can wait until school begins. Supplements that were not picked up on July 26 will be distributed to these students during class between Aug 9 - 13. 

Parents of students in grades 9 - 11 who received 2020-2021 yearbooks but will not be returning to GHS this year should email Ms. Roberts at droberts@gws.k12.in.us with their current addresses so supplements can be mailed to them. These will be mailed once school begins. Continue reading
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Graduation 2021 Photos Available

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Graduation Photos
Prestige Portraits has posted proofs of all photos taken at this year’s graduation. If you have not received an email from them (or deleted it with all your spam), here is the direct link to the Greenwood Community High School section: https://events.lifetouch.com/eventHomepage.aspx?EventID=174993 Continue reading
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Class of 2022 - Senior Pictures (June 21-23)

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Senior Pictures Update

Note:  All GHS seniors need to pose with Prestige to appear in their final GHS yearbook. You cannot provide photos taken by other people because of the way photos are flowed onto pages digitally for printing. Remember, no purchase is required.

Class of 2022 parents: By now, you should have received a postcard from Prestige with information about scheduling senior pictures. The info includes the website to use, the code for your specific senior, and the discount code for a free sitting. If you have not received your postcard, please email me at droberts@gws.k12.in.us so I can provide you with the info you need to schedule immediately; make sure you include the name of your senior in that email. Senior Pictures will take place at GHS next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (June 21-23) by appointment only, so you need to schedule immediately.

When you schedule your Senior Portrait sitting online for next Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday (June 21-23), you must put in the sitting fee discount code provided on the postcard to get the $10 off your sitting. If you select the lowest level sitting valued at $10, you'll have no sitting fee at all (after applying that discount code). If you choose one of the other sittings with more outfits and poses, you'll get $10 off that sitting using the same discount code. This code is unique to GHS because I negotiated so no senior is required to pay anything to be in the yearbook. 

Students will enter the school through Door 3N (the door in the center front of the school near the Media Center sign). The main entry doors by the office will be open until approximately Noon, but 3N will be open for the entire Senior Portrait appointment time frame. The studio will be set up in the IMC, which is the school library. 


What if my senior cannot pose on June 21-23?

Any GHS senior who cannot pose on June 21 -23 at school is welcome to travel to the Prestige Portraits studio in Carmel this summer to pose. To book that appointment at the Carmel studio, go to https://booknow.appointment-plus.com/yclxq4j4/  You should do this immediately. 

You need to pose before school begins, so booking online immediately is important. Several large schools, such as Carmel and Fishers, use this studio, and appointments can become scarce, especially when all the students and parents who procrastinate scramble to book. Book this today so you don't run into a problem. 


One final thought

You are going to get hit with different deadlines: posing deadlines, yearbook photo selection deadlines, etc. Some might seem pretty far into the future, and you might think you have lots of time to handle all of this. I've been handling our seniors and the yearbook for nearly 30 years, so please trust me when I tell you that booking appointments now -- whether for a photo session at school next week or up in Carmel -- is absolutely key. If you procrastinate, you could run into a problem even getting your senior in to pose because appointments will fill. I don't want our seniors or their parents to experience that type of stress.  


Let's make this a wonderful year for our seniors and start off on the right foot with senior pictures. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at droberts@gws.k12.in.us Continue reading
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Hits: 2925

Prom - Formal Pictures

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Here is the order form for GHS Prom portraits to be taken Friday night. Students can pay on-site, but students / parents can prepay by following online ordering instructions, too.

I am posting this on the school's website blog, sending it to all parents who have emails in PowerSchool, and posting it in the Class of 2021 Canvas page. Order forms will be available at the Prom, too.
GHS Prom Photo Order Form

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Senior Class Composite Portrait

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To ensure social distancing, we are continuing the change we made last year and most seniors are going to love. Instead of a formal cap & gown photo that would require everyone to gather rather closely, our senior portrait company is going to create a 16 x 20 composite of everyone’s senior pictures. As long as seniors posed for senior pictures through Prestige -- whether at the studio or during one of the make-up dates at the high school -- they’ll be included in this awesome composite picture that will also feature information about your class. Orders are due May 1.

Forms will be distributed during the Senior Meeting and are available in the high school office, too.
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Final Yearbook Sales (2020-2021)

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This year’s yearbook has gone to press so students will get it during the last week of school. Don’t worry, though, the yearbook staff is creating the spring supplement that will cover all spring sports, the musical, prom, graduation, and other year-end activities. The supplement is designed to adhere to the inside back cover of the yearbook itself.

If you still have not ordered your yearbook, you definitely need to do that this week. The extras the yearbook ordered for late purchasers are almost sold out. This will be one you will especially want because it will be of historical significance with the pandemic.

Pick up an order form in the front office or print the one attached to this post if you’d like to pay with cash or check. You also can go to www.jostensyearbooks.com if you want to order using a credit card.

If you need to know if you've already purchased a yearbook, feel free to contact Denise Roberts at droberts@gws.k12.in.us Continue reading
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Winterization Information

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Winterization is coming! Save the date for November 14th for our annual community-

wide volunteering organization. Volunteers will be raking leaves, cleaning gutters, mowing grass, washing windows, and weatherproofing windows and doors in groups for senior citizens to prepare their homes for the winter. The event starts off with a free breakfast at 8:00 a.m. and will end with a free lunch at 12:00 p.m. Permission slips are provided in the lunchroom, English classrooms, and in Mrs. Stadtfeld’s room in C118 and should be returned by November 3rd to Mrs. Stadtfeld. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Laura Stadtfeld at (317) 889-4000 Ext. 3148, @lstadtfeld@gws.k12.in.us, or in room C118. Continue reading
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2020-2021 Yearbook Sales - Oct. 16 deadline

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2020-2021 Yearbook Sales

The yearbook staff is gearing up for its Fall sales campaign. The Oct. 16 deadline will be here before you know it. Use this form to order through the high school using cash or check. Or, you can order online at
www.jostensyearbooks.com to use a credit card.

**Note: Senior Personal spaces are 100% sold out. In fact, the yearbook staff had to add 10 additional pages to this section to accommodate the huge number of orders that came in.


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Class of 2020 Portrait - Changes

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Class of 2020 Panoramic Photo

To ensure social distancing, we are making a change to the Class of 2020 panoramic photo that most seniors are going to love. Instead of a regular photo that would require everyone to gather rather closely, our senior portrait company is going to create a panoramic-sized composite of everyone's senior pictures. As long as you pose for senior pictures through Prestige -- whether last summer or during one of the make-up dates at the high school -- you'll be included in this awesome composite picture that will also feature information about your class. Please place your order by July 10 because no late orders can be accepted. Continue reading
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2019-2020 Yearbook Distribution - July 10

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Distribution of the 2019-2020 yearbooks along with the quarantine supplements will be distributed at the school on July 10 between 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Students and parents will remain in their cars and form a line in front of the building to enforce social distancing. Signs will direct the way. Also, students need to have some form of ID. School IDs and driver's licenses would be perfect, but other identification cards -- like library cards -- would work. This will speed up the car line. Anyone who cannot pick up the yearbook on July 10 will need to wait until the first week of school to get the books and magazines. A few extras are still available, and interested parents should contact Denise Roberts at droberts@gws.k12.in.us

Each yearbook purchaser will receive a complementary Quarantine supplement, which is a 36-page magazine that will peel and stick in the back of the yearbook and provide stories, photos, and information about the pandemic's effect on students, faculty, and the community.

Congratulations to Faith Peebles, Mallory Watson, and Anna Lowe for leading the newspaper and yearbook staffs in creating this amazing supplement during remote learning and to Mallory Watson for her leadership all year in creation of the yearbook itself.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Supp-Cover.jpg   b2ap3_thumbnail_2020-cover.jpg
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Guard for 2020-2021

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Students interested in guard for next year should access the GoogleForm below so Samantha Kilbourne has their contact information. Here is the link: https://forms.gle/Jpveu1ZWptf7rE1Y9 Continue reading
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GHS Broadcast Team Facebook Posts

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Greenwood HS broadcast students continue to make segments at home. Last week's assignment involved expository videos that ranged from how to make no-sew face masks to how to work out those abs during quarantine to how to make paper crafts. Find these videos and so much more information at https://www.facebook.com/GCHSTimberlines/ Continue reading
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Winter Percussion, Guard, Academic Team, Etc.

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The yearbook and newspaper staffs are creating a special quarantine magazine designed to peel and stick inside the back of the 2019-2020 yearbooks since this has been such a significant part of the school year.

School groups -- such as Winter Percussion, Winter Guard, the Academic Team, etc. -- who lost their spring season is going to be part of that coverage. If you have a photo of your GHS student involved in these activities this year, please email that photo to droberts@gws.k12.in.us and include the student's name and cell phone number so a student reporter can reach out to him/her for caption information.

I must receive these photos and information by April 10 to be included. Continue reading
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